Get Pre-Approved for Your Mortgage

Our easy-to-use get pre-approved form enables you to get approved for your mortgage before you shop for homes. Being pre-approved provides several advantages for home shoppers including knowing the mortgage amount you qualify for which helps determine your home price budget, making your offer more attractive to sellers and greater certainty that your loan closes on time when your offer is accepted. Getting pre-approved can also save you time later on in the mortgage process, help you identify and overcome possible obstacles to your loan application and potentially save you money.

Use the form below to connect with top-rated lenders to get pre-approved for your mortgage.  Simply provide preliminary information about the property you want to buy and your financial profile to learn more about your pre-approval options.  Getting pre-approved provides a competitive advantage for home buyers plus our form is quick, free and there is no obligation.

Get Pre-Approved Now

How the Pre-Approval Process Works

To get pre-approved, you provide summary financial, credit and employment information to the lender. Based on how much money you make, your monthly debt expenses, credit profile and type of employment the lender determines the mortgage amount you are approved for. Most lenders should be able to approve you without pulling your full credit report so there should be minimal impact your your credit score.

In many cases it can be beneficial to contact several lenders about getting pre-approved as they may apply different qualification requirements or offer different mortgage programs. This means you may get approved for a different loan amount, depending on the lender. Our get-pre approved service simplifies the process by allowing you to use one form to connect with multiple lenders to understand the mortgage you can afford.

We outline several important points to keep in mind as you go through the pre-approval process: